Faculty Faculty Index

Dr. W. Andrew "Ted" Williams

Associate Vice President of Auxiliary Services and Operations

Assistant Professor of Expository Preaching


  • Ph.D. (Preaching) Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2017
  • M.Div. Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2011
  • B.A. (Psychology) Louisiana College, 2008


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Since 2003, Ted Williams has been engaged in serving the local church in a variety of capacities. Though the ministry context changed in the spring of 2023 when Ted and his family moved to NOBTS to serve in a dual role of administration and academics, his love for the local church still is front and center. In addition to taking care of things on campus, Ted academically focuses on preaching, pastoral ministry, and understanding Scripture well (particularly the Old Testament).

Outside of work, Ted enjoys spending time with his wife, DeeDee, and three children--Kenzie, Wyatt, and Maddie. Occasionally, you'll find him in the woods or on the water enjoying God's creation.
